Do something every day

Commit yourself to a daily programme of therapy to maximise your recovery.  There are no rules about what time is best. Find the time that works for you and try stick to it. Below are some ideas about how these can be introduced into your daily routine.

Find a good time

One of the keys to success with any long-term exercise programme is to make sure it fits in with your routine. This is the first thing to consider when thinking about the frequency.  Think about when the best time of day would be to practise – morning/afternoon/evening/ or at odd moments throughout the day.

Some people find that their face is particularly tight first thing in the morning; if so then this is the ideal time to massage.

Add to existing routine

Try to make it part of your routine just like brushing your teeth.  It should become automatic like a habit.  The definition of a habit is ‘a routine behaviour that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously’.  This may sound extreme but if you want to maximise your recovery and minimise secondary problems of facial palsy, for example, synkinesis, then a daily workout is essential.

Fit into your lifestyle

What might prevent you from doing your practice?  For some people, it may be that you have to wait for children to go to bed or once your working day is over.  It is perfectly ok to do your exercises at the end of the day.  It can sometimes be better to do short periods of therapy rather than one long routine.  It just needs to fit into your schedule and lifestyle.

Find ‘free moments’

  • Waiting for the kettle to boil
  • When the ads come on TV
  • Sitting in the car at traffic lights
  • When the train or bus stops at a station
  • When you are waiting for a bus/train


Trying to do all or at least some of your rehabilitation programme every day is the best way forward. If you are short of time you may need to prioritize some exercises over others but try not to miss anything out for consecutive days.  Everything you do will help maximise your recovery and you will reap the benefits if you are consistent with your rehabilitation.

Read more 

Why facial massage is important

Things to avoid

Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash