Call for participants

Are you or someone you know diagnosed with facial palsy? We would like to invite you to take part in an evaluation phase designed to check the stage assessment and content of our mobile application. 

We have developed a mobile application that aims to follow you on your journey towards recovery. Our app allows you to monitor your stage, symptoms and receive adapted advice.

The study would take place in March and April 24, and here is what your involvement in the study will entail:

  1. Fill in the registration form.
  2. Receive a link to download the ImproveFP application. Email researcher when installed.
  3. Book a 30 min video call to review information from the app and record a short video of 7 facial expressions.

Study Details:

  • Dates: March and April 2024
  • Time Commitment: Approximately 45 min including registration form


    • Open to both males and females
    • Participants must be 18 years or older
    • Own a mobile phone with Android 6+ or iOS 12+
    • Agree to record a video of 7 facial expressions that will be shared with a therapist 
    • Diagnosed with facial palsy 

Your contribution will play a crucial role in helping us provide better support to individuals dealing with facial palsy. Your journey towards recovery matters to us, and we are excited to have you on board.

If you are interested in participating, please fill in this form.

We look forward to collaborating with you on this study and making a positive impact on the facial palsy community.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to be part of a meaningful project.

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Call for participants

Are you or someone you know diagnosed with facial palsy? We would like to invite you to take part in an evaluation phase designed to check the stage assessment and content of our mobile application. 

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